My baby's adorable hiccups

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of © Blue Shield of California for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Now that I'm a momma, I'm always on the lookout for reliable and easy to understand medical and health resources, particular at night when I'm trying to stay awake through feedings. A gal can only spend so much time trolling on Facebook during middle of the night feedings, am I right? Well now there's a great new resource on Facebook, courtesy of Blue Shield of California, that features helpful and hilarious videos from Dr. Jim and his sidekick, Bob.


Dr. Jim and Bob answer common health questions in their videos. Make sure you check it out and like them on Facebook!

Dr. Jim and Bob's Fun & Helpful Health Advice

I recently watched their video on hiccups, since my baby seems to be plagued with daily hiccups (even in the womb!). Check it out!

Baby hiccups are ADORABLE, by the way. My kid sounds like a cartoon character who fell in the champagne when he hiccups -- so cute! His pediatrician has advised that frequent hiccups in babies are totally normal, but I was intrigued to learn from Dr. Jim and Bob that hiccups can be caused by swallowing air or an overly full stomach. I've definitely noticed that my boy has a greater tendency to get hiccups around the same time that he has massive, thunderous burps (ok, I might be exaagerating a smidge). But, now I know why!

Blue Shield of California is a not-for-profit company, offering easy to access alternative care, easy access to great doctors and resources (like Dr. Jim and Bob!), and they offer a wide range of afforable health plans. I'll definitely be checking out more of the great videos from Dr. Jim and Bob!


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